BRIDGEGATE EAST RESIDENTS‘ASSOCIATION (BERA) Minutes of Executive Meeting. Thursday 8th December 2022 in The Albion

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BRIDGEGATE EAST RESIDENTS‘ASSOCIATION (BERA) Minutes of Executive Meeting. Thursday 8th December 2022 in The Albion

In attendance 

Mike Hogg (Chair),Jim Parrish,Roy Webb.



Carly Wilson, Daniel Squibb, Luke Skilbeck, Fiona Rushforth, Bill Grady


Minutes of previous (1st November) Exec meeting

The minutes were agreed and approved


Matters arising from Previous Minutes

  • Mike has not yet contacted the group who are promoting the maintenance and repair of the City Walls. Fiona suggested he contacted them via Facebook.
  • BERA has not yet received the £250 from ITV for disruption during recent filming. Mike has chased and will continue to do so.
  • Mike Ankers (Police Chief Inspector) is moving on to a new role, but has taken steps to ensure that the improvements he has put in place are structural rather than temporary. Whilst not a replacement for the CI, a new Inspector (James Wilson) has however been appointed and has already proactively contacted Mike to meet up.
  • Matt is aware of the website issues and the date of the 2023 AGM by which they need to be resolved.
  • There has been no formal feedback from the Council re the lease on the Drill Hall Gardens. Mike has chased and will continue to push for a reply.
  • Mike has written to Paul Tudor & Sarah Corran suggesting one meeting for all City Walls residents potentially affected by the exploratory work for the Recorder Steps. They are considering the idea and will revert.
  • Mike has checked the BERA Constitution (Clause 4c) and it does not preclude members of the Executive auditing the annual accounts.


Future Social Events

  • 15th December – Carol Singing: 6.30pm at Drill Hall Gardens followed by mince pies and mulled wine in the Albion.
  • 11th January 2023 – AGM @ 7pm in The Albion
  • Fiona to send an email to members reminding them about the Carol singing. It was also agreed to do both a leaflet drop and email to members about the AGM so all residents will be informed.


Drill Hall Gardens


  • Mike has now contacted Rebecca Bowen and will add her to the Gardening Volunteers list.
  • Jim & Mike will tidy the gardens with a leaf blower once all of the leaves have fallen.
  • It was again suggested that we apply to the Community Cashback Fund for money to improve the gardens once we have received the £250 from ITV.
  • We are still awaiting a quote from the Council for them to install downlighters around the walls in the gardens.
  • The Council are also replacing some benches in the City Centre, so we have provisionally asked for four of the old ones.
  • There is now a dedicated tree officer on the Council, so we can ask him for advice. Jim said the central tree is in good condition, but the same cannot be said for the others. If we acquired it as a community garden, the Council will still maintain the trees and the walls. Mike to make contact.


One City Plan

CRAG is to put together a position paper on what residents want to see from the delivery of the OCP. Mike will share with BERA when it is ready.



  • The flier for distribution in the week commencing Monday 2nd January was approved and is attached.
  • The emailto be sent to all members by 23rd December was amended, approved and is attached. The final details to be added are confirmation of the willingness of all existing Exec members to stand for office for another year.
  • The Exec double-checked with Christina that she was indeed happy to hold the AGM at the Albion on 11th January (as she had previously confirmed in writing) as it is a Wednesday. She said that she would prefer it to be on 10th or 12th, but would be willing to honour 11th if the other dates did not work for BERA. (Subsequently I have checked and am not available on 10th or 12th so will confirm 11th back to Christina).



  • CW&C jet washed the Quicks Duke Street doorway on 7th December to clean up the pigeon mess.
  • The council have now advised that they have secured Lottery funding to re-locate the Records Office. They expect to obtain planning permission for the new sites in Spring 2023.


Date of next meeting: 11th January @ 7pm in The Albion (AGM).


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