BRIDGEGATE EAST RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (BERA) Minutes of Executive Meeting. Wednesday 21st June 2023 in The Cross Keys

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BRIDGEGATE EAST RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (BERA) Minutes of Executive Meeting. Wednesday 21st June 2023 in The Cross Keys

In attendance 

  • Bill Grady (Chair), Fiona Rushforth , Jim Parrish, John Bottomley, Anne Grady (co-opted onto the exec)


Daniel Squibb, Luke Skilbeck, Roy Webb, Janet Webb

Minutes of previous exec meeting

It was agreed that in future the minutes should consist of action point together with a member of the exec assigned to each point. They would then report back at the next meeting under ‘matters arising’

Previous Meeting with Councillors

It was agreed that the informal meeting with our three councillors, Katrina Kerr, Paul Chamberlain and Ben Walker, was a successful ‘get to know each other’ session, helping to build a relationship with our representatives.

Pepper Street car Park Planning and Licensing Applications

The licensing application is due to be heard on the 11th July. The location is Ellesmere Port Library. No date for planning, but the deadline for objections is the 30th June

There was an update on progress with petition signatures

Action:  John to contact the press to ask them to print a story about the objections to the plan

Issues of Focus from AGM

  1. Quicks – Action: Jim to approach our councillors and build up a list of contacts so we can investigate what progress is being made. Awaiting update from Mike Hogg on recent meeting with the university.
  2. General cleanliness of streets – will be followed up after the Pepper street hearing and will include investigating the ‘report it’ app
  3. ASB, begging and rough sleeping – as per street cleanliness
  4. Maintenance of City fabric such as the Walls – Action: Fiona to compile a list of what needs to be carried out on the Walls in the BERA area and to find suitable contact details
  5. Enforcement of conservation area guidelines – Action: Jim to try and get a list of properties in the area with Article 4 directions and then carry out a survey of any breaches
  6. Defibrillator in area – since this was requested a defibrillator has been installed in Park Street. It was felt that this was sufficient as there is also one on the Groves
  7. First responders in an emergency – it was felt that this could be included in compiling a list of skills held by our members and community. It was decided to hold a ‘get to know your community’ evening later in the year.



Action: Fiona to email exec members to ask if any of them would be prepared to act as BERA representatives at CRAG meetings.


  • Action: Fiona to post Council information which has been sent via Mike Hogg on the BERA website
  • Fly tipping –Action: John to send photos and information regarding the fly tipping in St Olave Street to Paul Chamberlain as requested by him at our informal meeting last week. Paul will pass them on to the relevant council department. Note: since the meeting Paul has visited the St Olave St tip. He discussed the issue with Chester Localities lead Jane Makin, sending her BERA's pictures of the site. He is happy for us to contact Jane, adding he will also follow up the issue himself.  Action: John to monitor.

Date of next meeting TBC

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